Wednesday, March 28, 2012


~  is what we are working for. This time it refers to changes in the NFM social media network, that is. Changes include Already Done, More2Come and Works In Progress.

The main Already Done has to do with our twitter stream. Where once there was just one, now there are three.

When I was the lone NFM tweep, it made sense for my user name, NewFacMajority, to identify 100% with NFM. Now Prez Maria Maisto tweets under @MariaMaistoNFM. Other board members are giving it a try too.

So which/who was/is/will be the "the" voice of NFM?

But for the name of the account, far better Maria than I. Besides, not only am I less diplomatic by nature than Maria, I have my own higher ed interest areas and opinions that show up in follows/followers and will leak out on occasion. Just ask GeorgeOnline (of the Chronicle's ProfHacker collective). But I couldn't let NFM and Maria take the flak for the unfortunate combination of my tweet-in-mouth (for NFM but not for my new, personal NFM handle) and George's reaction (which I compounded by not ignoring).

The account formerly known as NewFacultyMajority is now @VCVaileNFM and @NewFacMajority is a brand new group account, polyphonic and featuring representative NFM voices. Are you confused yet? Of course. So am I ~ and may be having an identity crisis despite being the one who made all the changes. There are still a few loose ends to tidy up too, unpacking and refollowing.

More2Come ~ a New Faculty Majority forum hosted on the main website  for members because membership has its perks, not all communication is for public consumption and everyone needs a corner or clubhouse all their own. Our own Virtual Cheers where everybody knows your name will be ready to roll out very soon. When? You will be the first to know.

As for the rest of Already Done, the core New Faculty Majority social media network consists of multiple page main website (preceding link), NFM Foundation multiple page website, this blog, Facebook, and (until recently) @NewFacMajority on Twitter. The last is still there but different. More anon. Our expanded social network includes official pages, Unemployment InitiativeSummit, Jack Longmate's Program for Change and Summit-born Framework for Change / Task Force PLUS individual blogs, twitter streams, Facebook pages and other social media.

No network is ever really "Done" unless entropy is setting in. Our network, no exception, has Already Done parts but is a Work In Progress and turning into multiple, distributed networks even before adding "non board" member contributions, linked by membership, comments, linking and following. That includes at least two Chapter organizers do: Josh Boldt (Georgia) and John A Casey Jr (Chicago).

I have no idea how many members tweet or blog but want to so we can follow you (if you don't mind). I add blogging members to our adjunct blogroll whenever I come across them. If you blog but are not on the list, send me your link.

Other Works In Progress include a board on Pinterest, Delicious Stack, two social bookmarking accounts with feeds,  feed reader bundle waiting for a widget, YouTube playlist, Flickr gallery, Storify,, Tumblr and others waiting in the wings. That's a separate post for another time. There you go: another teaser and two future posts.

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