Ana M. Fores Tamayo of better pay petition renown has joined NewFac page admin as a content editor. Having such an active contributor is a huge boost for the page and even more help to me. I'm sure it comes as a relief to board members tired of my nagging. Is Ana aware that FB is just the gateway: micro and other blogging sure to follow? In the meantime, we're making plans to coordinates posts and issues to address. Input and suggestions, please. We'd sure like to see your posts and shared links too and plan to highlight those more.
This week, the most popular topics have been retirement funding gaps, Jeff Nall's (yes, we added him to our blogroll), WalMart strikers (multiple posts), Ana's petition, first teachers' walkout in 1946, Truthout article on adjunct pay, cutting adjunct courses at CC Allegheny (more than one post), advisory board member Pablo Eisenberg HuffPost article (the week's most viewed) on living wages for all campus workers, plus others. We're right up there with name highered media, Joe Berry's COCAL Updates and other sources for staying on top of NTT faculty relevant news...more balanced and comprehensive too. Subscribe to our feed and see for yourself.
Most posts are well over Facebook's "average" page viewing threshold (17% of subscribers). Not all of the most liked or most commented are the most visited. Liking, like commenting, leaves tracks. The niggling insistence on identifying yourself to comment there leaves more.
That is why, on this blog, anonymous and "nic of your choice" commenting are and will always be allowed; nor is leaving an email address required to comment. No scripts will ever be embedded to track visitor identities. Page view count and where redirected from minus identifying information, suffice and then some. Page view run about 1,500 a week, with most come from direct subscription (rss, email), Google and Facebook. Twitter redirects come via Facebook. S'OK even if druthers would be for more comments.
I should keep up better with Twitter analytics than just knowing that we have 1,500+ followers. Not yet into "influential" rank but closing in. We also do not use any auto "follower building" tools or bots. Everything is done by hand, personally and no #FF, no thanks for RT'ing or for following, no DMs. OK so doing more with Twitter and checking analytics goes on the Celtic cauldron of my bottomless social media to-do list.
LinkedIn has many adjunct and other higher ed groups. There is even a closed (not open to the public) New Faculty Majority group started by veep Matt Williams that could and should be more active. I joined it and other adjunct groups, get email notices but am otherwise not active there. It would be a good to cultivate the group and have someone tending LinkedIn for us, someone else, that is.
More than a cursory look will have to wait until next month because this month I signed up for both NaNoWriMo and Hybrid Pedgagy's Digital Writing Month. Not social media per se but greatly partaking of it ~ overlapping. Guess what, I exceed the 50,000 words in a month count for that with just what I do already. The extra effort has been in tracking and counting, to you scattered bodies go. I've learned a lot about my blogging and other digital writing patterns this month. Hopefully blogs and other digital writing will benefit. Either that or throw my hands in the, mutter WTF and leave the building.
Sorry I am really behind in my reading and commenting. Just getting to see this now, a week late. First, let me congratulate you on your exceeding word count. Next, thanks for that plug for my petition; we always need more and more signatures and shares. The petition is growing, but as you noted somewhere, there should be a lot more names on there. An interesting thing is that you do not have to identify yourself with a last name, or a real name, as long as it is not complete gibberish. But comments with your name are always welcome, as they add passion to the cause.
ReplyDeleteOn this blog, I will try to contribute as much I can, as well as to our FB page, but we need many people commenting, and as you say, Vanessa, a very important component here is that this blog can be anonymous, for those of us who are too afraid, intimidated by retaliation --and believe me-- I for one know this reality is too true!
I just finished reading an interesting blog which mentioned people being arrested in part for their Facebook social media content; whether they are guilty or not is not the point, and I do not know what that case may be. The scary thing is that people do take notice of social media, and as precarious as our employment is, we are frightened. So I understand our hesitation.
Here in this blog, as Vanessa points out, you can be as invisible or as present as you want to be, and that is the beauty of this method of communication; so enjoy it to its fullest extent. In the meantime, I leave you with the blog I was telling you about from Addicting Info
Ana M. Fores Tamayo
NFM, Member
Thanks ~ and for the link too.
DeleteAny help building readers is deeply appreciated too. Takes awhile to build, you already knows how that goes with petitions. On the other hand, look how much your own has persisted and grown while others withered.
I've read similar cautions and should probably run regular tech (and warnings) features. EFF or the Electric Frontier Foundation is the best one.
Social media is an effective organizing tool for large and small projects. Seth did not think his motion for adjunct travel funding had much chance at NCTE, but we got behind him on social media. As it turned out, the proposal passed handily.