What a lunatic idea to think I could make a living in that manner! It was now the late 1980’s and a new breed of college instructors had inundated academia -- ADJUNCTS. The thought of full time faculty was outrageous according to the community and four year schools. They had discovered a gold-mine in adjuncts: could hire an adjunct for one-fourth of the pay of a full timer and not give any benefits or ‘waste’ and office space.
My life changed in 1988 and I soon became a full time adjunct. No, that is not an oxymoron. I began to make a living grabbing whatever classes I could at whatever colleges had openings. For 27 years I have been a ‘roads scholar’ traveling throughout central and northern New Jersey doing what I do best and love to do- teach. I have had much satisfaction in the success of many students and I have won awards and acclaim for my work. The problem is that I am working much harder now than I did thirty years ago, and taking inflation and the cost of living into account making less money. Does that bother me? Of course, but I am hopefully making a difference in my student’s lives. Is it fair to me and my fellow adjuncts? Of course not, and I have been attempting to change things.
Many times when I am in front of a classroom teaching about
our government and our Bill of Rights, I think of myself as a hypocrite. How can
I tell my students what civil liberties are afforded to them in the 1st ten
amendments when I do not have them as an adjunct?
Why not put together rights by the adjuncts and for the adjuncts. This is what I have been fighting for during the past 15 years, the Three R’s of adjuncting- respect, recognition and recompense. Things have gotten better but as the expression goes ‘we have a long way baby’. My generation of adjuncts is literally a ‘dying breed’, and the younger ones coming in do not seem to have the same drive. We must keep the fires burning and motivate the newcomers. We can never settle for the secondary role we are given in colleges and universities. We must continue to fight for our rights and for equity. I do not want to think that my making a difference every day did not have an effect on the future.
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