Tuesday, May 25, 2010

NFMUCI: Day 1 Twitter

About adjunct unemployment, that is. The short version: plenty of action and spreading links around. I'm taking a clue from the Digital Humanities blogging community and blogging the tweets or rather the ones from searching "adjunct + unemployment," which yielded the biggest haul.

Most but not all are via yesterday's Chronicle article, which include 21 comments as of 1st day's end, with surely more to come today. As for the article and commenters, supporters and trolls, I'll have more on that later as part on ongoing NFMUCI coverage. 

Now for visitors - and tweeters - to get past the article and to the Unemployment Compensation Initiative website. NFMUCI is short for both initiative and url, http://nfumuci.org as well as hashtag. 

  1. New Faculty MajorityNewFacMajority 

    RT @chronicle Group encouraging out-of-work adjuncts to apply for unemployment. http://bit.ly/czA3Xg | yes, that's us! #nfmuci

  2. MTC WorksTillamookJobs 

    Interesting. RT @workforcedev: Adjunct faculty - eligible for unemployment between academic terms?http://bit.ly/bmKapf #wkdev #highered

  3. 9thPeriod Marketing9thPeriod 

    Adjunct Group Begins a Push for UnemploymentBenefits http://bit.ly/akJKVK

  4. Bronwynworkforcedev 

    Adjunct faculty - eligible for unemployment between academic terms? http://bit.ly/bmKapf #wkdev #highered

  5. Jason Rhodejrhode 

    Group encouraging out-of-work adjuncts to apply forunemployment. Many don't realize they may qualifyhttp://bit.ly/czA3Xg (via @chronicle)

  6. Aspire To Growaspiretogrow 

    Adjunct Group Begins a Push for Unemployment Benefits, http://chronicle.com/article/Adjunct-Group-Begins-a-Push/65663/ they deserve it!

  7. Carey Sargentsargent95 

    @newfacmajority Launches Unemployment Compensation Initiative for adjunct/contingent faculty: http://conta.cc/cb9Dqp

  8. Todd Kraftytoddkrafty 

    Adjunct Group Begins a Push for UnemploymentBenefits - David Ahntholz for The Chronicle Maria Maisto, president of... http://ow.ly/17tOM4

  9. Jonathan Nashjonathanrnash 

    Support the @NewFacMajority as it begins a push for unemployment benefits for "adjuncts." http://bit.ly/cLlbEP #highered

  10. charlesazorncharlesazorn 

    Adjunct Group Begins a Push for UnemploymentBenefits - Faculty - The Chronicle of Higher Education:http://bit.ly/dhMtdk

  11. Skipping Collegeskippingcollege 

    Adjunct Group Begins a Push for UnemploymentBenefits - Faculty - The Chronicle of Higher Education: AdjunctGroup... http://bit.ly/b89wy7

  12. Newbery Award Booksnewberybooks 

    Adjunct Group Begins a Push for UnemploymentBenefits - Faculty - The Chronicle of Higher Education: AdjunctGroup... http://bit.ly/b89wy7

  13. Wayne StrnadWAStrnad 

    Adjunct Group Begins a Push for UnemploymentBenefits http://bit.ly/8YANNl

  14. K Knightkknight58 

    Adjunct Group Begins a Push for UnemploymentBenefits: Chronicle of Higher Education (subscription) Maria Maisto, ... http://bit.ly/bVOSps

  15. Frank Cookgoodtimestoo 

    Adjunct Group Begins a Push for UnemploymentBenefits http://bit.ly/9hfrAh

  16. Tweet ProfitsTweetProfitss 

    http://bit.ly/eZxG7 Adjunct Group Begins a Push for Unemployment Benefits http://bit.ly/aUBoCB

  17. Skipping Collegeskippingcollege 

    Adjunct Group Begins a Push for UnemploymentBenefits - Faculty - The Chronicle of Higher Education: AdjunctGroup... http://bit.ly/dqjbaw

  18. Newbery Award Booksnewberybooks 

    Adjunct Group Begins a Push for UnemploymentBenefits - Faculty - The Chronicle of Higher Education: AdjunctGroup... http://bit.ly/dqjbaw

  19. Zzombiegirrrrl 

    Adjunct Group Begins a Push for UnemploymentBenefits http://ping.fm/XcxQc

  20. Zzombiegirrrrl 

    Adjunct Group Begins a Push for UnemploymentBenefits http://ping.fm/2vF0x

  21. RuFreemanRuFreeman 

    Adjunct Group Begins a Push for UnemploymentBenefits http://ping.fm/Ha4Ra

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